Lisa Jackson
Painting and Drawing. Acrylic, ink, oil, charcoal and collage on canvas, board and paper.


(posted on 26 Jul 2018)

The Sooke Fine Art Show opens tomorrow.  I have no idea what to expect.  I'm going to meander out that way with my cousin and check it out. The artists celebration is the following night and I'll be going to that.  Looking forward to seeing what other pieces have been selected and to seeing friends and acquaintances. Forward, Ho.


A few of the artists with studios in Rock Bay Square are exhibiting work in the cafe.  One of my pieces is on view, Portrait of the Artist as an Old Woman, and is one of my current personal favourites. It is a big work on paper. Acrylic, collage and other stuff, including dried pansies. 

A number of people have told me it is beautiful.  Beautiful.  That's not me saying, that's people saying it.  

Certainly worth deciding for yourself if it is indeed deserving of such a description. 

I believe you'll have to the end of July or thereabouts.



(posted on 30 Jun 2018)

Today the PLY WOOD paintings at The Coffee Lab are coming down.  A big thank you to all who made it to the exhibit and to those who left comments either on the notebook at the cafe or on IG or through a direct message to me.  I very much appreciate.  

A very big thanks to Aaron Tann who makes his cafe available every month for local artists.  Even without art, it's a great place to go for coffee, snacks, lunch.  Good atmosphere in a cool part of town. 

Next will be the Sooke Fine Art Show and work on a new series I've begun. Watch this space.

(posted on 28 Jun 2018)

Today is Thursday.  Tomorrow is Friday. On Saturday morning, IB and I will be taking down all the paintings in the PLY WOOD exhibit at The Coffee Lab, 2612 Bridge Street.

Never say I did not give you fair warning.


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